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Talk:Władysław Tatarkiewicz

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Some photos of Tatarkiewicz would be nice. They may be found in his Wspomnienia.

Are they in public domain, or otherwise obtainable? If so, perhaps someone with the requisite technical capabilities could place some of them on Commons and in the article? (I would be interested in which of them you would select.) Nihil novi 05:28, 12 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

To "nihil novi"


I give up, you win. But for the benefit of English-speaking readers I suggest you check on some titles like:

A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell

A History of Philosophy by Frederick Charles Copleston

A History of Philosophy in the Twentieth Century by Christian Delacampagne

The Dream of Reason: A History of Philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance by Anthony Gottlieb

A History of Philosophy by Wilhelm Windelband


before you so zealously re-edit what you think is wrong.

And by the way - it really should be "a day after his birthday" not "the day after his birthday", because it means "one day after" and not "in the very day after", as your version reads.

You are obviously not a native speaker of English. Why on earth don't you ask some native speaker that you trust, if you don't believe me?

I give up on Tatarkiewicz - it's all yours. Have fun! Fon 23:20, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In deleting the "A" that you placed before History of Aesthetics, I was reverting the title to the English edition's actual title as published, which has no "A." Tatarkiewicz's English-language Analysis of Happiness likewise has no article adjective. You can discuss this point with the English editions' publishers.
The distinction you draw between "a day after" and "the day after," eludes me. He was born on an April 3, he died on an April 4. To me, that is the day after his 94th birthday.
Your conclusion that I am not a native speaker of English is mistaken, and ascribable to either:
your not being a native speaker of English; or, if you are one, to:
your possessing a command of English that is as immature as your conduct.
(The fact that you are not a native speaker of English is betrayed above by your use of "edition" where you mean "edit" in the noun sense, as defined in Wiktionary.)
Nihil novi 06:08, 12 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

A) Non-personal
You are right about History of Aesthetics--this is the English title.
You were right about academia--the the is not necessary.
I did not correct the title of Analysis of Happiness--must have been someone else.
I am not 100% sure whether Historia filozofii, when translated into English, should be A History of Philosophy or just History of Philosophy--I opt for the first version. But you were right that in that context (...his History of Philosophy...) the indefinite article was not necessary. My edit was wrong and I have read your comment carefuly only now--my mistake.
B) Personal
I am not a native speaker of English and I have never pretended otherwise. There is no need to 'discover' it, this piece of information has been in my user page for almost two years now.
I do make mistakes in English, occasionally (especially when writing somehting at 2 a.m., as with 'editions' for 'edits', of course you are right) and I even make mistakes, occasionally, when writing in my native Polish. I do not think I know anyone who does not. I am always glad when someone points out a mistake to me--I have learnt a lot this way and I keep learning.
My reason for my assuming you are not a native speaker of English was connected with the way you treated the entry University of Warsaw. You reverted the earlier change from Warsaw University to University of Warsaw, although it had been well-described and explained. To me the brief explanation you provided was unconvincing and superficial, and some of the evidence you adduced was untrue (you claimed it should be Warsaw University because Oxford and Cambridge are Cambridge University and Oxford University rather than the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge--it is just the other way round, which can be seen easily in the very Wikipedia we are contributing to). As you ignored arguments for the other solution, as your version concurred with the version I had heard from people with rather superficial knowledge of English, and as it seemed you provided similar arguments, I assumed--apparently erroneously--that you were one of them. I am glad to see I was wrong. After your revert was reverted by an administrator, I soon found you reverting my other edits--this time in the entry about Władysław Tatarkiewicz. I am only too happy to see that these were bona fide changes and my irritation was hasty. I am sorry if I misinterpreted your actions. On the other hand, given the kind of consideration you had for the work and arguments of others in "UoW" I find your remarks about my conduct quite telling. Given my age, I find them almost flattering. I do not think this exchange is worth continuing, though. You are obviously more knowledgeable about Tatarkiewicz than I am (no irony intended), and as you turn out to be a native speaker of English, the entry is in good hands. Best, Fon 17:40, 12 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

File deletion warning


File:Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz.jpg, which is the only picture available for this article, has been nominated for deletion at Commons because of unclear copyright status. If you know anything about the original source of this image please join THE DELETION REQUEST and help us find a way to keep it. You might also want to consider uploading it here locally as Fair Use (see Wikipedia:Non-free content)). Thanks, --El Grafo (talk) 08:25, 21 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

The ousting and return


He was ousted before his death, so the timetable is wrong. There were six activists, including Kołakowski, not only Holland. Tatarkiewicz returned later.Xx236 (talk) 07:36, 10 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Returned where? Nihil novi (talk) 07:39, 10 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
To teaching in 1958, Chair of Esthetics. https://filozofia.uw.edu.pl/instytut/historia-instytutu-filozofii-uw/historia/ Xx236 (talk) 09:16, 10 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
If you would like to make additions or changes to the article, please feel free to place them here in Polish, with sources, and I will be glad to try rendering them into English for insertion by you into the article.
Nihil novi (talk) 02:58, 11 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
The source is about the ousting: "Z sześcioma innymi osobami podpisał donos na prof. Tatarkiewicza mającego zdaniem sygnatariuszy przekraczać dopuszczalne granice krytyki wobec „filozofii proletariackiej”. Był to impuls do usunięcia Tatarkiewicza z katedry". There are probably better sources.Xx236 (talk) 07:27, 13 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Could you collect this and other information into a complete account of the episode, including when Tatarkiewicz was removed from his chair (of history of philosopny?), who removed him, and when he regained a chair (of aesthetics?) and when he finally retired from lecturing at the University of Warsaw?
I could then render it into English, for inclusion in Tatarkiewicz's biography.
Nihil novi (talk) 09:29, 13 September 2019 (UTC)[reply]